Tuesday 15 January 2013

"Quote; Unquote"

Today in Ms Silva's lesson I learn't about how to gain top mark for my magazine. As a class we had a look at the mark scheme for the research and planning section criteria.  Also we talked about what the requirements and expectations are for our magazine’s. We went through two past magazines and analysed what we like, did not like and what could have been done better. This was to help us know what works, does not work and what we can make better if in any case we had to make changes to our magazines. It also made me aware of how important conventions are and proportion is when creating a front cover, contents page and dps.
Ms Silva set homework which is to Complete flat plans of front cover, contents page and dps  Due  next week Tuesday 22nd Jan. The flat plan is to help visualise what my magazine is going to look like so that I have an idea of what I am going do before I make the real thing.

Focus Group part 2

This is the second part of my focus group video. I asked questions regarding both magazine's contents page's.
I asked my group:
What they though about the images, text , font and layout of the pages.

Focus Group Video

This is part one of a video about my focus group and a few questions I asked about two music magazine's front cover, contents page and dps.
A few of the questions I asked where :

  • What is eye catching? 
  • Who do you think is the taget audience?
  • Do you think this magazine relates to the RnB genre?
  • What artist do you enjoy listening to?
  • What do you think of the colours used in and on the magazine?

Monday 14 January 2013

Music Magazine Questionnaire.

Once I have collected all the answers from the questionnaire, I will be about to analyse it and give feed back.

About Billboard Magazine

Billboard is an international new magazine devoted to the music industry founded by William h. Donaldson and James Hennegan.  It is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world.  Billboard recognizes music charts that track the most popular songs and albums in various different genres on a weekly basis. This is based on digital sales, downloads, radio airplay and internet streaming. This magazine is about music professionals such as record labels, executives, artists, music producers and radio dj’s. Billboard magazine can be found in bookstores, magazine stands and distributer stores such as Hmv. I do not think there is a particular target audience because the magazine tracks all genre of music. 

Billboard Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page-spread is neatly broken up by images and text. This structure is simple which some readers prefer, basically including three columns of text with two images. To break up the overall layout, the use of pink text has been used to add some colour to the page. Alexandra’s style and outfit gives various connotations of power and freedom as the jewellery gives attitude and sexiness. The slight low-angle looks up at Alexandra Burke, giving connotations of power and superiority. Also the wind-swept hair gives impressions of freedom. Also there is eye-contact with the camera, creating a direct relationship with the audience.

Billboard Contents Page

 This is an analysis of a billboard magazine contents page and part of my research for my magazine. A contents page is to show the reader what the magazine will contain with page numbers to indicate where the pages are.

The layout of this contents page is abit crowed and has a lot going on but at the same time has everything that someone would need reading this magazine to find the page they are looking for. The contents page is split is into four and images are incorporated with page numbers so that it is easy to find articles.  Also the subheadings “up front, features, music and in every issue’ high light the interesting things that are in the magazine. The main image of the model / artist appears to be looking down and in the direction of the text. The page numbers shown are the main features that will appeal to readers. There is a column that shows songs in the charts which is appropriate for this magazine as it is a ‘Billboard charts magazine’ that accommodates all genres. The main colours are black, grey and white which pulls the whole page together making it one.