Sunday 13 January 2013

Vibe Double page Spread

In this post I will be analysing Vibe magazine double page spread.

This is a double page spread from vibe magazine. it is effective because the main image is of the artist in a bright red dress which gives the article abit of excitement. whilst the small black and white images are simple. The connotations of the short red dress is sexiness which could draw readers in especially males.  I like the unique layout of this magazine because it is different to what other magazine styles are. The main colours on this double page spread are white, grey/black and blue. Whilst these colours are not very girls, the magazine will still attract female readers because of Solange Knowles celebrity status. The article is set out in four columns, three of them being on the left page and one being on the right page. The font is simple making it easy to read .There is an introduction before the main article on the left-hand page of this double page spread, it is in a different and larger font from the rest of the text, this attracts the reader’s attention. The introduction highlights the artists name in a different colour so it is clear who this article is about, and will draw in attention of the fans of the artist.

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