Tuesday 15 January 2013

"Quote; Unquote"

Today in Ms Silva's lesson I learn't about how to gain top mark for my magazine. As a class we had a look at the mark scheme for the research and planning section criteria.  Also we talked about what the requirements and expectations are for our magazine’s. We went through two past magazines and analysed what we like, did not like and what could have been done better. This was to help us know what works, does not work and what we can make better if in any case we had to make changes to our magazines. It also made me aware of how important conventions are and proportion is when creating a front cover, contents page and dps.
Ms Silva set homework which is to Complete flat plans of front cover, contents page and dps  Due  next week Tuesday 22nd Jan. The flat plan is to help visualise what my magazine is going to look like so that I have an idea of what I am going do before I make the real thing.

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