Sunday 13 January 2013

Vibe Analysis Front Cover

I chose to analyse Vibe magazine because it is a very well known american magazine that focuses on celebrities in the music industry. This will later help me to create my own music magazine.

Vibe is a magazine which mainly features RnB and hip hop artists. The genres are represented by the artists on the front cover. On this issue it is Kanye west with the cover line being ‘I AM RAP’ showing a clear link between the artist and the genre of the magazine. The three main colours of this cover are black , blue and pink which connote the femininity but still keeping it masculine and youthful for the young people that will read vibe meaning that boys and girls can read this magazine and find things that they are interested in. The cover line ‘The truth hurts Kanye west I AM RAP’ represents the artist and the genre as being confident and cocky. The cockiness is not show through the image as kanye’s facial expression is serious, not showing any emotion. This is either because he is trying to portray this image or he feels that he does not need to show expression, he knows he’s a star and the issue will sell because of how famous he is.

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