Sunday 13 January 2013

About Vibe Magazine

 Vibe is an entertainment magazine. It features hip-hop and RnB artists, actors, actresses and other entertainers.
Vibe first began in the 90’s and was founded and produced by musician Quincy Jones in partnership with ‘Time Inc’. The magazine was originally known as Volume before being renamed Vibe. The genre of music consists of RnB and HipHop music and artists. Unfortunately the production was shut down in summer 2009. It was then resumed and purchased by a private company and is now issued monthly. The magazine target audience is mainly aimed at younger youth who are interested in the urban and hip-hop culture that is music. The magazine always has someone who is doing well in the charts on the cover like Mary J Blidge, Jennifer Lopez, Trey Songz or Beyonce. Inside the magazine there are features, stories and facts about not just singers but celebrities as well and a number of exclusive images,
  •  Celeb gossip columns
  •  Next profiled up and coming artist
  •  Photo spreads
  •  Images of high end fashion designers and their clothes on artists.

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