Tuesday 15 January 2013

"Quote; Unquote"

Today in Ms Silva's lesson I learn't about how to gain top mark for my magazine. As a class we had a look at the mark scheme for the research and planning section criteria.  Also we talked about what the requirements and expectations are for our magazine’s. We went through two past magazines and analysed what we like, did not like and what could have been done better. This was to help us know what works, does not work and what we can make better if in any case we had to make changes to our magazines. It also made me aware of how important conventions are and proportion is when creating a front cover, contents page and dps.
Ms Silva set homework which is to Complete flat plans of front cover, contents page and dps  Due  next week Tuesday 22nd Jan. The flat plan is to help visualise what my magazine is going to look like so that I have an idea of what I am going do before I make the real thing.

Focus Group part 2

This is the second part of my focus group video. I asked questions regarding both magazine's contents page's.
I asked my group:
What they though about the images, text , font and layout of the pages.

Focus Group Video

This is part one of a video about my focus group and a few questions I asked about two music magazine's front cover, contents page and dps.
A few of the questions I asked where :

  • What is eye catching? 
  • Who do you think is the taget audience?
  • Do you think this magazine relates to the RnB genre?
  • What artist do you enjoy listening to?
  • What do you think of the colours used in and on the magazine?

Monday 14 January 2013

Music Magazine Questionnaire.

Once I have collected all the answers from the questionnaire, I will be about to analyse it and give feed back.

About Billboard Magazine

Billboard is an international new magazine devoted to the music industry founded by William h. Donaldson and James Hennegan.  It is one of the oldest trade magazines in the world.  Billboard recognizes music charts that track the most popular songs and albums in various different genres on a weekly basis. This is based on digital sales, downloads, radio airplay and internet streaming. This magazine is about music professionals such as record labels, executives, artists, music producers and radio dj’s. Billboard magazine can be found in bookstores, magazine stands and distributer stores such as Hmv. I do not think there is a particular target audience because the magazine tracks all genre of music. 

Billboard Magazine Double Page Spread

This double page-spread is neatly broken up by images and text. This structure is simple which some readers prefer, basically including three columns of text with two images. To break up the overall layout, the use of pink text has been used to add some colour to the page. Alexandra’s style and outfit gives various connotations of power and freedom as the jewellery gives attitude and sexiness. The slight low-angle looks up at Alexandra Burke, giving connotations of power and superiority. Also the wind-swept hair gives impressions of freedom. Also there is eye-contact with the camera, creating a direct relationship with the audience.

Billboard Contents Page

 This is an analysis of a billboard magazine contents page and part of my research for my magazine. A contents page is to show the reader what the magazine will contain with page numbers to indicate where the pages are.

The layout of this contents page is abit crowed and has a lot going on but at the same time has everything that someone would need reading this magazine to find the page they are looking for. The contents page is split is into four and images are incorporated with page numbers so that it is easy to find articles.  Also the subheadings “up front, features, music and in every issue’ high light the interesting things that are in the magazine. The main image of the model / artist appears to be looking down and in the direction of the text. The page numbers shown are the main features that will appeal to readers. There is a column that shows songs in the charts which is appropriate for this magazine as it is a ‘Billboard charts magazine’ that accommodates all genres. The main colours are black, grey and white which pulls the whole page together making it one.

Sunday 13 January 2013

Billboard Magazine Front Cover

Billboard was my second magazine that I analysed. I chose Billboard because it is a internationally recognized music charts magazine that tracks the most popular songs and albums and relates to all genres because of the the of magazine it is.

This is the cover of a Billboard magazine issue. It is  a music magazine that targets a wide variety of music listeners as it does not have a specific genre. In the image of Taylor swift, she is looking straight towards the camera or some would say directly at the reader. This could be eye catching to the reader and make them want to buy the magazine. The image is centered in the middle of the page which is conventional whilst part of the masthead is covered buy the image itself.
The colour of the background in greyish matching Taylor's clothes which looks white. Her blonde hair and soft complexion adds to the setting of the image making the front cover look bright. The layout of the page is also simple with the subheading 'Taylor Swift Country's teen queen and her global music' going across her shoulder gives readers an idea about Taylor and what might be inside the magazine.

About Vibe Magazine

 Vibe is an entertainment magazine. It features hip-hop and RnB artists, actors, actresses and other entertainers.
Vibe first began in the 90’s and was founded and produced by musician Quincy Jones in partnership with ‘Time Inc’. The magazine was originally known as Volume before being renamed Vibe. The genre of music consists of RnB and HipHop music and artists. Unfortunately the production was shut down in summer 2009. It was then resumed and purchased by a private company and is now issued monthly. The magazine target audience is mainly aimed at younger youth who are interested in the urban and hip-hop culture that is music. The magazine always has someone who is doing well in the charts on the cover like Mary J Blidge, Jennifer Lopez, Trey Songz or Beyonce. Inside the magazine there are features, stories and facts about not just singers but celebrities as well and a number of exclusive images,
  •  Celeb gossip columns
  •  Next profiled up and coming artist
  •  Photo spreads
  •  Images of high end fashion designers and their clothes on artists.

Vibe Double page Spread

In this post I will be analysing Vibe magazine double page spread.

This is a double page spread from vibe magazine. it is effective because the main image is of the artist in a bright red dress which gives the article abit of excitement. whilst the small black and white images are simple. The connotations of the short red dress is sexiness which could draw readers in especially males.  I like the unique layout of this magazine because it is different to what other magazine styles are. The main colours on this double page spread are white, grey/black and blue. Whilst these colours are not very girls, the magazine will still attract female readers because of Solange Knowles celebrity status. The article is set out in four columns, three of them being on the left page and one being on the right page. The font is simple making it easy to read .There is an introduction before the main article on the left-hand page of this double page spread, it is in a different and larger font from the rest of the text, this attracts the reader’s attention. The introduction highlights the artists name in a different colour so it is clear who this article is about, and will draw in attention of the fans of the artist.

Vibe Contents Page

This particular issue features a full scale image of kanye West indicating that he is the main focus of this specific month.

The contents page consists of the main image. This is kanye west which is again a clear link between the front cover and contents page showing consistency though images. The word ‘contents’ is bold and striking also being one of the main attractions on the page. It is an iconic style that is continuously used with the magazine. This page is using a famous artist which will make people interested as they would want to know the latest on him. The background is plain which draws attention to the image of kanye with the hand holding the heart on his chest.  The ‘V’ hidden behind the image of kanye and the word contents in background shows that this page is from vibe magazine. Also the grey scale colour used makes the red heart stand out on the page. This instantly draws the reader to that point on the page as it’s a connotation of love which could mean that this issue contains facts about Kanye’s personal life. 

Vibe Analysis Front Cover

I chose to analyse Vibe magazine because it is a very well known american magazine that focuses on celebrities in the music industry. This will later help me to create my own music magazine.

Vibe is a magazine which mainly features RnB and hip hop artists. The genres are represented by the artists on the front cover. On this issue it is Kanye west with the cover line being ‘I AM RAP’ showing a clear link between the artist and the genre of the magazine. The three main colours of this cover are black , blue and pink which connote the femininity but still keeping it masculine and youthful for the young people that will read vibe meaning that boys and girls can read this magazine and find things that they are interested in. The cover line ‘The truth hurts Kanye west I AM RAP’ represents the artist and the genre as being confident and cocky. The cockiness is not show through the image as kanye’s facial expression is serious, not showing any emotion. This is either because he is trying to portray this image or he feels that he does not need to show expression, he knows he’s a star and the issue will sell because of how famous he is.